What Can a Computer Security Specialist Do for Your Business?
A computer security specialist can be a significant
asset to your organization's information security. Information security, in
particular IT security, has become more specialized and formalized in recent
years. It is not enough to have a general IT training. A computer security
specialist is needed for all tasks.
What does a computer security specialist do? There are
many sub-fields within information security and it is impossible for one person
to be an expert in all of them. However, IT security specialists often have one
or more of these specializations.
Penetration testers actively test the defenses of an organization's computer systems, network infrastructure, and networks. They mimic a hacker attack from the outside or make use of various degrees of insider information. Externally-facing servers are also subject to an application tester, which performs the same function. Email, web or FTP servers are all examples of an application tester.
An information security auditor examines a company's information security management system and compares it with industry best practices, such as ISO 27001. A company hires an interim manager for a short time to either bridge the gap between permanent employees or deliver a project (such planning and implementation of a complete information security management system).
Another type of computer security specialist is the
outsourced CISO (Chief information Security Officer). A CISO (Chief Information
Security Officer) will work with a company to provide their information
security function on a long-term basis. If a smaller company has a smaller
staff, they may be available on a part time basis.
For a defined project, a computer security consultant
will be hired. They will offer advice and suggestions that will then be
implemented. The consultant may focus on information security as part of
corporate governance. This means that they will be more focused on procedures,
policies, and people than technology.
Expert cryptographers may be needed by certain organisations such as the military and Government agencies. This cisco panama level of expertise is not required by commercial companies. A computer security specialist can also conduct awareness campaigns and training courses, which may be general-purpose or tailored to an organization.
One person cannot cover all of these functions.
Experts will specialize in one area or another. While a large company might
have its own IT security team, a smaller business will need to hire this
expertise from a specialist firm.
Information security is still in its infancy. This can be seen by the many certifications available for different sub-fields. It is crucial to make sure that the computer security specialist responsible for the work is certified according to the appropriate standards and has the appropriate certification. They also have a track record of reliable work. This is because everything depends on the person being chosen. It is therefore crucial that a hiring manager understands the differences between the types of experts, as well as the strengths and limitations of each one for the project.
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